Customizing guitars can be fun – it can also be a daunting task because you just don’t know what to expect.  It doesn’t matter what brand you buy, all guitar necks are created differently.  Ultimately you’re looking for the best sound out there. You don’t want any substandard sounds, but the sounds all essentially run through the neck.  Whether it’s an acoustic or a bass, the neck has to be sturdy and high in quality in order for it to achieve the necessary results that you want.  Guitar making is hard and takes years of practice, but one standard item in guitar customization that everyone will agree on, is that the neck must take precedence.  

There are many models of guitar necks, and one of the most popular ones is created by Fender. That doesn’t eliminate all the other brands that are available.  Everything from the wood used, to the type of finish on it affects the way it sounds – more specifically, the neck must “mesh” with the body and the strings.  If the neck is too heavy or large, the sound will have a tendency to be sharp.  If the neck is too thin, the opposite sound generally comes out.  The engineering of a guitar has not nearly been perfected by any stretch, but it’s getting closer.  


As you know the neck affects the sound, but the neck should also harbor a good look to it. On one hand, replacement necks have to help make the sound good, but it should also look natural to the guitar. This is where guitar customization often runs into issues.  If you buy a standard guitar, then you know what it is supposed to look like.  Whether it’s Fender, WD, or any brand in between, there are necks that come standard with your type of guitar.   

There is a lot to think about when buying guitar necks.  It’s a whole different ballgame when you’re talking about bass necks. In either event it’s a science.  Buying online probably offers you the best chance of getting the neck that you desire because the selection is simply wider.  Consult with professionals on what type of neck you really want – or need for that matter.  All brands have a different kind of neck so it is imperative to buy one that “fits” naturally and perfectly.


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    June 2012
    May 2012
    April 2012

